- 16 Stop Down Collective and 11 Stop Collective Selective.
- With AD9007 32 Stop Down Collective and 24 Stop Collective Selective.
- Operations: Regular V3F, Down Collective V3F and Collective Selective V3F also suitable for Auto Door, Duplex Operation using just two Wire communication no extra hardware require.
- Speed: Up to 2 m/sec.
- All system parameters can be adjusted by using 5 buttons and LCD placed on the card.
- Call Register LED and Call Push Button are on single wire.
- On board Seven Segment Display.
- Serial COP Card (AD_CTB) attachment using CAN bus.
- All the Input and Output are Opto-isolated and available in both 12VDCand 24VDC.
- All the Input and Output are carrying LED indication on board.
- An error code are display on LCD.
- Each floor can be named by an alphanumeric character (L, P, E, F, H, b, o, 0, 1, 2, 3.....).
- 7-segment and signalization outputs are short-circuiting protected. In a short circuit case the concerned output is shut down until problem is removed.
- It also detect the landing lock short at particular floor.
- Also detect lock short in Auto Door. If Door not open within predefined time.
- Power down memory, in case of power fail it will reach at nearest floor instead of going to correction end.
- Only 15 cables are enough for system to work by using serial car connection (AD_CTB). Which reduces labor and cable costs.
- AD9007 is Multipurpose Extension Card Which can be used with our any product with CAN bus Output.
- PCBs are solder in Fully Automatic Pick & Place Robotic Machine. Which will remove all human error.
- Using CAN bus you can Program and Monitor the mother board with External Graphical Program Tool